We exist to see lives [re]defined by being filled with life in Christ and we want to help you connect to God, grow your faith, discover your design, and live out your purpose.

A Church for Every Generation

We're passionate about getting to the table first with the next generation. Our goal is for kids, students, and young adults to know the love of God and the purpose He has for them.

Watch Our Latest Messages

Parent Night

Join us for a very special evening with one of the nation’s leading voices in Christian parenting, Pastor Jonathan Brozozog. Whether you feel like a veteran or a novice at raising kids, it’s never too late or too early to invest in your parenting legacy.

Time to Build

Join us on this spiritual journey and 3-year growth initiative to see far more lives [re]defined throughout our region.

Coming Soon!

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Partner With Us

We give generously because we believe that lives are [re]defined through our generosity.

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